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Yarn – Will work for Fiber – Yarn Bowl – 6 in.


Hello, devoted knitters, craft enthusiasts, and yarn aficionados! Spinning out from the inspired kilns of Pawley Studios, we are delighted to present our whimsical tribute to the yarn-loving community – our cleverly inscribed “Will Work for Fiber” pottery!

Hello, devoted knitters, craft enthusiasts, and yarn aficionados! Spinning out from the inspired kilns of Pawley Studios, we are delighted to present our whimsical tribute to the yarn-loving community – our cleverly inscribed “Will Work for Fiber” pottery!
This isn’t just any pottery, dear yarn devotees. It’s a ceramic homage to your passion for knitting and the humorous side of your craft. Each handcrafted piece, emblazoned with the phrase “Will Work for Fiber”, feels like a lighthearted plea that weaves a touch of humor into your knitting sessions.Yet, the charm of our “Will Work for Fiber” pottery goes beyond its witty design. Shaped with as much precision as your best-knitted garment, these high-quality ceramic items promise remarkable durability and convenience. Being microwave and dishwasher safe, they’re ready to accompany you during your cozy knitting moments, resisting every splash and entanglement.Adorned with this playful phrase, our “Will Work for Fiber” pottery isn’t just practical ware. It’s a delightful fusion of your love for knitting and humor, blending the cozy charm of your favorite hobby with a pinch of wit. Pawley Studios’ expert craftsmanship combines traditional pottery practices with a lively spirit.Committed to safety as steadfastly as a watchful knitting circle, Pawley Studios ensures your “Will Work for Fiber” pottery is lead-free and eco-friendly, promising a safe and joyful knitting experience.So, whether you’re unwinding with a comforting brew as you weave your latest masterpiece, or sipping a hearty cup of tea while laughing over your yarn stash, do it in style with our microwave and dishwasher-safe “Will Work for Fiber” pottery. Don’t dawdle like a dropped stitch, knitting enthusiasts, these witty pieces are being snapped up quicker than free yarn at a craft fair. Order yours today, and add a dash of humor to your beloved knitting moments!

Care Instructions

Food Safe Glazes. Dishwasher and microwave safe. We use food-safe glazes and clay on all our drinkware so you can fuel up without worry!

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